Sunday, April 21, 2013

Rejoice's Surgery

I know you've probably been hearing a lot about Rejoice Vivor this week if you're involved with Holistic Christian Ministry in any way. She is the 10 month old daughter of one of our pastors (Philip) in the eastern Volta region of Ghana where my parents have served as missionaries for the past 7 years. She was recently diagnosed with hydrocephalus (water on the brain) and desperately needs a shunt put in to relieve the pressure this water is causing.

I have not personally met Rejoice, but I do know that my heart is tugged towards children in general - on any continent - and hate to see them suffer. It is hard to look at a little one with her head swollen larger than the size of a cantaloupe. I can't imagine how fearful her parents must feel or if they wonder if she will be alright through the night. Especially when lately, I have seen firsthand the joy and sweetness a baby (my niece) can bring to a family. I imagine that in the same way, when your child is suffering, the overwhelming sense of suffering would be even more powerful.

We have been sharing the need with the "Facebook world" as we've discovered that her surgery and post-operation procedures will cost right at $10,000.
My brother-in-law phrased it only $10,000 - and I like that because realistically, a surgery like this for one of your children, grandchildren, or loved ones would be well over $65,000. We tend to have help like insurance companies or other benefits to fall back on. That isn't the case in Ghana. If the doctor receives the money, then he will operate. It's not a do the surgery now - pay later in monthly installments system. Philip and many other Ghanaian fathers like him work diligently with a yearly income of $200. That's less than what I personally make in one week! If you would like to bless this young father by helping him be able to provide for his child, please let us know!

We are over half way towards our goal of $10,000. You can easily give online by going to the secure link listed below and filling out a one time donation through our HCM e-giving page. We are definitely rejoicing in the needs that you all are helping meet for Rejoice! We've collected anything from $5 to $1,000 and EVERY gift is important in meeting this need that God has allowed us to be partnered with! WE'VE REACHED OUR GOAL! Continue to pray for Rejoice's healing and recovery!

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