Monday, September 7, 2015


I enjoyed a wonderful mini-vacation to Southern California last week. I travelled with my sister and her family and did everything from the San Diego Zoo to baseball games and typical touristy things. 

One of the highlights of my trip was sitting on a beautiful beach in Oceanside. When we arrived the day was gloomy - gray skies, murky water, and chilly. We were bundling in beach towels and Livi's teeth were chattering after exploring the water with her Daddy. As I've been known to do, I was a little sulky because it wasn't the absolute perfect situation or the way I had planned it to be - beautiful, sunny, balmy, breezy, etc...

There is something about the ocean that really intrigues me. Maybe it's the sound of the waves so loud that it drowns out distractions and allows you to think a little more clearly, but I found myself enjoying the fact that I had added another state to my list and had gotten to spend time exploring a new place. 

After about an hour, the temperature began rising. The sun was coming out! The waves were bluer, the sand was warmer, we got to get out from underneath our blankets. My baby nephew and I explored a jetty and just sat there standing with that mixture of sunshine, sea air, and breeze. 

A week later (today) I am back at home on my front porch overlooking the lake. It's Labor Day so I am getting to enjoy a slow paced morning. I look down and start hearing waves hitting the shore. They are definitely not blue or big and are only there because of the holiday weekend boaters, but immediately the first thing that came to mind is that God uses little instances like these to get our attention and turn our eyes to Him. 

When I am just focusing on myself and my issues or fears or failures, I fail to see that He is working in the details and is with me. He is in the new places we explore, in the places we've never been, and in the familiar sights at home - I just need to stop and realize that.


  1. Divne Expectations!
    What sweet surprise fills our hearts when we open our eyes toward Him!

    1. Look, a comment :) Finally found it. Love you!
