Saturday, May 19, 2012


Woke up early this morning to get lots of cleaning done around the house. I know you might at Claysey's house....but I managed to find some places to scrub!

I'm excited to be hosting 2 girls and a chaperone from the Matsiko World Orphan Choir for the next few days. The kids will get here Monday and perform Wednesday during our church evening service. They are a group of about 12 children and 15 sponsors. I'm a host home and am in charge of providing breakfast. I hope I won't mess that up too terribly bad. How hard is it to mess up toast? Well, I shouldn't jinx anything. ;) 

On Monday, I find out the ages of my 2 girls. The choir ranges from 6 to 17 year olds, so I hope I'll have little girls but will be happy with whoever! The group includes children from Peru (South America) and Liberia (West Africa). Only one country separates Ghana from Liberia, so I'm happy to visit with and talk about similar West African customs and to practice my minimal Spanish skills. Pictures soon!

Well, I better get back to some quality time with Mr. Clean!


1 comment:

  1. That sounds like fun!! I'll be praying for you as you host the girls in your home.
